AnimatedNavDecorator is used by AnimatedNavDecoration as a way to provide hooks into its AnimatedContent, allowing for custom navigation animations.
This interface allows you to define how the content of a navigation destination should appear and animate when navigated to. It provides hooks into key moments of the navigation transition process, enabling a high degree of customization.
Implement transitionSpec
Provide a
instance. This defines the default transition behavior used when no other override is provided.
Implement targetState
This is called to create an
object for the incoming navigation destination.It should use the provided
to construct an instance of a customAnimatedNavState
that represents the target state of the navigation.
Implement updateTransition
This is responsible for setting up and updating the Transition that drives the
that performs the navigation transition.You should create a Transition based on the provided
to track the current state.The created
will be used by AnimatedNavDecoration to display the correct content.
Implement Decoration
This is a composable that renders the content for the target navigation destination.
It receives the created
and aninnerContent
composable to render the actual screen's content.It will be used to compose the ui in the AnimatedContent.
data class CustomNavState<T : NavArgument>(
val args: ImmutableList<T>,
override val backStackDepth: Int,
override val screen: Screen = args.first().screen,
override val rootScreen: Screen = args.last().screen,
) : AnimatedNavState
class CustomDecorator<T : NavArgument>() : AnimatedNavDecorator<T, CustomNavState<T>> {
override fun AnimatedContentTransitionScope<AnimatedNavState>.transitionSpec(
animatedNavEvent: AnimatedNavEvent
): ContentTransform {
return slideInVertically() + fadeIn() togetherWith slideOutVertically() + fadeOut()
override fun targetState(args: ImmutableList<T>, backStackDepth: Int): CustomNavState<T> {
// Logic to build your custom navigation state
return CustomNavState(args, backStackDepth)
override fun updateTransition(
args: ImmutableList<T>,
backStackDepth: Int,
): Transition<CustomNavState<T>> {
val targetState = targetState(args, backStackDepth)
return updateTransition(targetState = targetState, label = "CustomDecoratorTransition")
override fun AnimatedContentScope.Decoration(
targetState: CustomNavState<T>,
innerContent: @Composable (T) -> Unit,
) {
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) { innerContent(targetState.args.first()) }
The type of navigation arguments.
The type of navigation state, which must implement AnimatedNavState.
See also
For the targetState, decorate the innerContent as the content
of AnimatedContent
For the args and backstack create the expected target AnimatedNavState.
Builds the default AnimatedContent transition spec.
Sets up a Transition for driving an AnimatedContent used to navigate between screens. The transition should be setup from the current NavDecoration.DecoratedContent arguments and backstack depth, and then updated when the arguments or backstack depth change.