Provides a retained value to a RetainedStateRegistry.
Only defined as a top-level interface to allow non-JS targets to extend () -> Any?
Provides a retained value to a RetainedStateRegistry.
Only defined as a top-level interface to allow non-JS targets to extend () -> Any?
Provides a retained value to a RetainedStateRegistry.
Only defined as a top-level interface to allow non-JS targets to extend () -> Any?
Provides a retained value to a RetainedStateRegistry.
Only defined as a top-level interface to allow non-JS targets to extend () -> Any?
Provides a retained value to a RetainedStateRegistry.
Only defined as a top-level interface to allow non-JS targets to extend () -> Any?
Returns the retained value. If the value is wrapped in a holder class, this class should implement RetainedValueHolder.