Package-level declarations


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class CircuitContext(val parent: CircuitContext?, tags: MutableMap<KClass<*>, Any> = mutableMapOf())

A CircuitContext is used in Presenter.Factory and Ui.Factory to inform creation of their respective Presenter and Ui instances.

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Marker interface for all UiEvent types.

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Marker interface for all UiState types.

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A Navigator that only supports goTo.

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Marks declarations that are internal in Circuit's API, meaning that they should not be used outside of Circuit's first party API. This is their signatures and semantics will change between future releases without any warnings and without providing any migration aids.

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A basic navigation interface for navigating between screens.


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fun Navigator.popRoot(result: PopResult? = null)

Pop the Navigator as if this was the root Navigator.pop call.

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fun Navigator.popUntil(predicate: (Screen) -> Boolean)

Calls Navigator.pop until the given predicate is matched or it pops the root.

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inline fun Navigator.resetRoot(newRoot: Screen, saveState: (currentRoot: Screen?) -> Boolean = { false }, restoreState: (currentRoot: Screen?) -> Boolean = { false }): List<Screen>

Clear the existing backstack of screens and navigate to newRoot.