
actual annotation class CircuitInject(val screen: KClass<out Screen>, val scope: KClass<*>)(source)

JS-specific CircuitInject.

For more general information about this annotation, see com.slack.circuit.codegen.annotations.CircuitInject

actual annotation class CircuitInject(val screen: KClass<out Screen>, val scope: KClass<*>)(source)

JVM-specific CircuitInject, applying the Hilt GeneratesRootInput annotation.

For more general information about this annotation, see com.slack.circuit.codegen.annotations.CircuitInject

expect annotation class CircuitInject(val screen: KClass<out Screen>, val scope: KClass<*>)(source)

This annotation is used to mark a UI or presenter class or function for code generation. When annotated, the type's corresponding factory will be generated and keyed with the defined screen .

The generated factories are then contributed to Anvil via com.squareup.anvil.annotations.ContributesMultibinding and scoped with the provided scope key.


Presenter and Ui classes can be annotated and have their corresponding Presenter.Factory or Ui.Factory classes generated for them.


@CircuitInject(HomeScreen::class, AppScope::class)
class HomePresenter @Inject constructor(...) : Presenter<HomeState> { ... }

// Generates
class HomePresenterFactory @Inject constructor() : Presenter.Factory { ... }


@CircuitInject(HomeScreen::class, AppScope::class)
class HomeUi @Inject constructor(...) : Ui<HomeState> { ... }

// Generates
class HomeUiFactory @Inject constructor() : Ui.Factory { ... }


Simple functions can be annotated and have a corresponding Presenter.Factory generated. This is primarily useful for simple cases where a class is just technical tedium.


  • Presenter function names must end in Presenter, otherwise they will be treated as UI functions.

  • Presenter functions must return a CircuitUiState type.

  • UI functions can optionally accept a CircuitUiState type as a parameter, but it is not required.

  • UI functions must return Unit.

  • Both presenter and UI functions must be Composable.


@CircuitInject(HomeScreen::class, AppScope::class)
fun HomePresenter(): HomeState { ... }

// Generates
class HomePresenterFactory @Inject constructor() : Presenter.Factory { ... }


@CircuitInject(HomeScreen::class, AppScope::class)
fun Home(state: HomeState) { ... }

// Generates
class HomeUiFactory @Inject constructor() : Ui.Factory { ... }

Assisted injection

Any type that is offered in Presenter.Factory and Ui.Factory can be offered as an assisted injection to types using Dagger dagger.assisted.AssistedInject. For these cases, the dagger.assisted.AssistedFactory -annotated interface should be annotated with CircuitInject instead of the enclosing class.

Types available for assisted injection are:

  • Screen – the screen key used to create the Presenter or Ui.

  • Navigator – (presenters only)

  • Circuit

Each should only be defined at-most once.


// Function example
@CircuitInject(HomeScreen::class, AppScope::class)
fun HomePresenter(screen: Screen, navigator: Navigator): HomeState { ... }

// Class example
class HomePresenter @AssistedInject constructor(
@Assisted screen: Screen,
@Assisted navigator: Navigator,
) : Presenter<HomeState> {
// ...

@CircuitInject(HomeScreen::class, AppScope::class)
fun interface Factory {
fun create(screen: Screen, navigator: Navigator): HomePresenter
actual annotation class CircuitInject(val screen: KClass<out Screen>, val scope: KClass<*>)(source)

Native-specific CircuitInject.

For more general information about this annotation, see com.slack.circuit.codegen.annotations.CircuitInject


Link copied to clipboard
actual val scope: KClass<*>
actual val scope: KClass<*>
expect val scope: KClass<*>
actual val scope: KClass<*>
Link copied to clipboard
actual val screen: KClass<out Screen>
actual val screen: KClass<out Screen>
expect val screen: KClass<out Screen>
actual val screen: KClass<out Screen>