A test event sink that records events from a Circuit UI and allows making assertions about them.
Note: this class was heavily influenced by RxJava3's https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/blob/v3.1.6/src/main/java/io/reactivex/rxjava3/observers/BaseTestConsumer.java.
See also
A helper function for creating a function wrapper around this TestEventSink for use in tests as an event sink function. We have to do this workaround in JS due to Kotlin/JS not allowing function type extension directly.
A helper function for creating a function wrapper around this TestEventSink for use in tests as an event sink function. We have to do this workaround in JS due to Kotlin/JS not allowing function type extension directly.
Assert that this TestEventSink has received count events.
Assert that this TestEventSink has not received any events.