
expect fun GestureNavigationDecorationFactory(fallback: AnimatedNavDecorator.Factory = NavigatorDefaults.DefaultDecoratorFactory, onBackInvoked: () -> Unit): AnimatedNavDecorator.Factory(source)

Returns a AnimatedNavDecorator.Factory implementation which support navigation through appropriate gestures on certain platforms.

  • When running on Android 14 (or never) devices, this decoration supports Android's 'predictive back gesture'.

  • When running on iOS, this decoration simulates iOS's 'interative pop gesture'.

  • On other platforms, it defers to NavigatorDefaults.DefaultDecoration.



The AnimatedNavDecorator.Factory which should be used when running on platforms which GestureNavigationDecorationFactory does not support.


A lambda which will be called when the user has invoked a 'back' gesture. Typically this should call Navigator.pop().