Package-level declarations


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abstract class AnimatedOverlay<Result : Any>(val enterTransition: EnterTransition, val exitTransition: ExitTransition) : Overlay<Result>

An Overlay that can be animated in and more interestingly out after it has returned a Result. The Overlay is animated in and out by its enterTransition and exitTransition, AnimatedContent is executed with with AnimatedVisibilityScope so that child animations can be coordinated with the overlay's animations.

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interface Overlay<Result : Any>

An Overlay is composable content that can be shown on top of other content via an OverlayHost . Overlays are typically used for one-off request/result flows and should not usually attempt to do any sort of external navigation or make any assumptions about the state of the app. They should only emit a Result to the given OverlayNavigator when they are done.

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An OverlayHost can be used overlaysOverlay with content on top of other content. This is useful for one-off request/result flows such as:

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Data managed by an OverlayHost to track the current overlay state. This should rarely be implemented by consumers!

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An OverlayNavigator is a simple API offered to overlays to call finish with a result when they are done.

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Represents the current state of the available OverlayHost.

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annotation class ReadOnlyOverlayApi

Indicates that the annotated API is a read-only of the Circuit Overlay API and not intended for public implementation.


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fun ContentWithOverlays(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, overlayHost: OverlayHost = rememberOverlayHost(), content: @Composable () -> Unit)

Renders the given content with the ability to show overlays on top of it. This works by exposing an OverlayHost via LocalOverlayHost.

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fun OverlayEffect(vararg keys: Any?, fallback: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, block: suspend CoroutineScope.(host: OverlayHost) -> Unit)

Calls the given block with the current OverlayHost if overlays are available. If overlays are unavailable, the fallback composable will be called instead.

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Returns a remembered an OverlayHost that can be used to show overlays.