An Overlay that shows a ModalBottomSheet with the given model and content. When the sheet is dismissed, it emits a Result type to the OverlayNavigator. This is useful for showing temporary content in a sheet that you want to return back to the calling UI, such as a picker UI or user input prompt.
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constructor(model: Model, sheetContainerColor: Color? = null, tonalElevation: Dp? = null, sheetShape: Shape? = null, dragHandle: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, skipPartiallyExpandedState: Boolean = false, isFocusable: Boolean = true, content: @Composable (Model, OverlayNavigator<Result>) -> Unit)
Constructs a new BottomSheetOverlay that will not dismiss when tapped outside of the sheet. This means that only the content can finish the overlay. Additionally the appearance of the sheet can be customized.
constructor(model: Model, onDismiss: () -> Result, sheetContainerColor: Color? = null, tonalElevation: Dp? = null, sheetShape: Shape? = null, dragHandle: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, skipPartiallyExpandedState: Boolean = false, properties: ModalBottomSheetProperties = DEFAULT_PROPERTIES, content: @Composable (Model, OverlayNavigator<Result>) -> Unit)
Constructs a new BottomSheetOverlay that will dismiss when tapped outside of the sheet. onDismiss is required in this case to offer a default value in this event. Additionally the appearance of the sheet can be customized.