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class BasicAlertDialogOverlay<Model : Any, Result : Any>(model: Model, onDismissRequest: () -> Result, properties: DialogProperties = DialogProperties(), content: @Composable (Model, OverlayNavigator<Result>) -> Unit) : Overlay<Result>

An overlay that shows an basic AlertDialog.

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class BasicDialogOverlay<Model : Any, Result : Any>(model: Model, onDismissRequest: () -> Result, properties: DialogProperties = DialogProperties(), content: @Composable (Model, OverlayNavigator<Result>) -> Unit) : Overlay<Result>

An overlay that shows a Dialog.

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An Overlay that shows a ModalBottomSheet with the given model and content. When the sheet is dismissed, it emits a Result type to the OverlayNavigator. This is useful for showing temporary content in a sheet that you want to return back to the calling UI, such as a picker UI or user input prompt.

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An enum representing the possible results of an alertDialogOverlay.

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typealias OnClick = () -> Unit


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fun alertDialogOverlay(confirmButton: @Composable (OnClick) -> Unit, icon: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, title: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, text: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, dismissButton: @Composable (OnClick) -> Unit?, properties: DialogProperties = DialogProperties()): BasicAlertDialogOverlay<*, DialogResult>

An overlay that shows an AlertDialog with configurable inputs.

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actual suspend fun OverlayHost.showFullScreenOverlay(screen: Screen): PopResult?
actual suspend fun OverlayHost.showFullScreenOverlay(screen: Screen): PopResult?
expect suspend fun OverlayHost.showFullScreenOverlay(screen: Screen): PopResult?

Shows a full screen overlay with the given screen. As the name suggests, this overlay takes over the entire available screen space available to the current OverlayHost.

actual suspend fun OverlayHost.showFullScreenOverlay(screen: Screen): PopResult?
actual suspend fun OverlayHost.showFullScreenOverlay(screen: Screen): PopResult?