@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
An issue that can be reported to Bugsnag.
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constructor(message: String, @Json(name = "log_message") logMessage: String, @Json(name = "grouping_hash") groupingHash: String, @Json(name = "retry_signal") retrySignal: RetrySignal, description: String? = null, @Json(name = "matching_text") matchingText: List<String> = emptyList(), @Json(name = "matching_patterns") matchingPatterns: List<Regex> = emptyList())
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an optional description of the issue. Not used in the CLI, just there for documentation in the config.
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grouping hash for reporting to bugsnag. This should usually be unique, but can also be reused across issues that are part of the same general issue.
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the message shown in the CI log when matchingText is found. Should be human-readable.
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a list of matching regexp patterns to look for in the log.
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a list of matching texts to look for in the log.
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the RetrySignal to use when this issue is found.