How to use the Zipkin compatible API to search and render traces with Astra using Grafana.
Indexing schema
In order to render traces using the Zipkin compatible API, the following fields should be present at index time.
- _timesinceepoch
Epoch time in milliseconds
- trace_id
Unique trace ID
- service_name
String identifying producing service
- name
String identifying the span
- duration
Duration in microseconds
Grafana trace visualization

Example trace from Astra, rendered in Grafana
Zipkin datasource configuration
When using Grafana 10 you can directly connect a Zipkin datasource to your Astra installation.

- Required fields
URL - Astra address, accessible by Grafana
Astra data links
To enable quick toggling between Trace logs visualizations and waterfall, add a data link to your Astra traces datasource that contains an internal link to the Astra zipkin datasource.

- Field
- Query
- Internal link

Example data link from Astra to Zipkin datasource