Astra Help

Aggregations reference

Astra supports a variety of search aggregations which fall into three primary categories: metric aggregations, bucket aggregations, and pipeline aggregations.

Metric aggregations

Metric aggregations typically operate on single or multiple value fields and allow you to do simple field calculations, such as finding the average value.


field (required)

Sets the field to use for this aggregation.

script (optional)

Sets the script to use for this aggregation.

missing (optional)

Sets the value to use when the aggregation finds a missing value in a document.

{ "aggs": { "example_avg": { "avg": { "field": "duration_ms" } } } }
{ "aggregations": { "example_avg": { "value": 101.22 } } }

Extended stats

field (required)

Sets the field to use for this aggregation.

sigma (optional)

Sets the sigma to use for this aggregation.

script (optional)

Sets the script to use for this aggregation.

missing (optional)

Sets the value to use when the aggregation finds a missing value in a document.

{ "aggs": { "example_extended_stats": { "extended_stats": { "field": "duration_ms" } } } }
{ "aggregations": { "example_extended_stats": { "count": 27985332, "min": 1, "max": 9208605921000, "avg": 792442.8374768253, "sum": 22176775897811, "sum_of_squares": 8.479931167082962e+25, "variance": 3030133574867091000, "variance_population": 3030133574867091000, "variance_sampling": 3030133683142872000, "std_deviation": 1740727886.5081387, "std_deviation_population": 1740727886.5081387, "std_deviation_sampling": 1740727917.6088583, "std_deviation_bounds": { "upper": 3482248215.853754, "lower": -3480663330.1788006, "upper_population": 3482248215.853754, "lower_population": -3480663330.1788006, "upper_sampling": 3482248278.0551934, "lower_sampling": -3480663392.38024 } } } }


field (required)

Sets the field to use for this aggregation.

script (optional)

Sets the script to use for this aggregation.

missing (optional)

Sets the value to use when the aggregation finds a missing value in a document.

{ "aggs": { "example_max": { "max": { "field": "duration_ms" } } } }
{ "aggregations": { "example_max": { "value": 1288.8273 } } }


field (required)

Sets the field to use for this aggregation.

script (optional)

Sets the script to use for this aggregation.

missing (optional)

Sets the value to use when the aggregation finds a missing value in a document.

{ "aggs": { "example_min": { "min": { "field": "duration_ms" } } } }
{ "aggregations": { "example_min": { "value": 8.8273 } } }


field (required)

Sets the field to use for this aggregation.

percents (optional)

Set the values to compute percentiles from (ie, [50, 95, 99, 99.9.]).

script (optional)

Sets the script to use for this aggregation.

missing (optional)

Sets the value to use when the aggregation finds a missing value in a document.

{ "aggs": { "example_percentiles": { "percentiles": { "field": "duration_ms" } } } }
{ "aggregations": { "example_percentiles": { "values" : { "1.0" : 2.881, "5.0" : 27.984375, "25.0" : 87.99871, "50.0" : 128.99, "75.0" : 507.8872, "95.0" : 778.98, "99.0" : 808.1112 } } } }


field (required)

Sets the field to use for this aggregation.

script (optional)

Sets the script to use for this aggregation.

missing (optional)

Sets the value to use when the aggregation finds a missing value in a document.

{ "aggs": { "example_sum": { "sum": { "field": "duration_ms" } } } }
{ "aggregations": { "example_sum": { "value": 19287878.8273818272 } } }

Unique count

field (required)

Sets the field to use for this aggregation.

precision_threshold (optional)

Set a precision threshold. Higher values improve accuracy but also increase memory usage.

missing (optional)

Sets the value to use when the aggregation finds a missing value in a document.

{ "aggs": { "example_unique_count": { "cardinality": { "field": "trace_id" } } } }
{ "aggregations": { "example_unique_count": { "value": 19982 } } }

Bucket aggregations

Bucket aggregations categorize the results into common groupings known as buckets. These groupings are based on the field values of individual results, and include date and value based aggregations.

Date histogram

field (required)

Sets the field to use for this aggregation.

min_doc_count (required)

Set the minimum count of matching documents that buckets need to have.

interval (required)

Sets the field to use for this aggregation.

offset (optional)

Set the offset on this builder, as a time value (1m, 10m).

time_zone (optional)

Sets the time zone to use for this aggregation.

extended_bounds (optional)

Set extended bounds on this histogram, so that buckets would also be generated on intervals that did not match any documents.


Minimum epoch in milliseconds


Maximum epoch in milliseconds

buckets (optional)

Sets the number of buckets to return when using an auto interval.

minimum_interval (optional)

Sets the minimum interval expression when using an auto interval.

{ "aggs": { "example_date_histogram": { "date_histogram": { "interval": "20m", "field": "_timesinceepoch", "min_doc_count": 0, "extended_bounds": { "min": 1713381276539, "max": 1713384876540 }, "format": "epoch_millis" } } } }
{ "aggregations": { "example_date_histogram": { "buckets": [{ "key": 1713380400000, "doc_count": 410997923 }, { "key": 1713381600000, "doc_count": 1607153025 },{ "key": 1713382800000, "doc_count": 1614948047 }, { "key": 1713384000000, "doc_count": 1144936770 } ] } } }


filters (required)

List of keyed filters to use for this aggregation.

{filter key} (required)
query (required)

Query string to use for this keyed filter.

analyze_wildcard (required)

Set to true to enable analysis on wildcard and prefix queries.

{ "aggs": { "example_filters": { "filters": { "filters": { "over_10k": { "query_string": { "query": "duration:>10000", "analyze_wildcard": true } }, "under_10k": { "query_string": { "query": "duration:<10000", "analyze_wildcard": true } } } } } } }
{ "aggregations": { "example_filters": { "buckets": { "over_10k": { "doc_count": 142201162 }, "under_10k": { "doc_count": 220037018 } } } } }


field (required)

Sets the field to use for this aggregation.

min_doc_count (required)

Set the minimum count of matching documents that buckets need to have.

interval (required)

Sets the interval to use for this aggregation

{ "aggs": { "example_histogram": { "histogram": { "interval": "100000000", "field": "duration", "min_doc_count": "100" } } } }
{ "aggregations": { "example_histogram": { "buckets": [ { "key": 0, "doc_count": 359845511 }, { "key": 100000000, "doc_count": 155679 }, { "key": 200000000, "doc_count": 19991 } ] } } }


field (required)

Sets the field to use for this aggregation.

min_doc_count (required)

Set the minimum document count terms should have in order to appear in the response.

size (required)

Indicates how many term buckets should be returned (defaults to 10)

order (required)

Sets the order in which the buckets will be returned.

missing (optional)

Sets the value to use when the aggregation finds a missing value in a document.

{ "aggs": { "example_terms": { "terms": { "field": "trace_id", "size": 3, "order": { "_term": "desc" }, "min_doc_count": 0 } } } }
{ "aggregations": { "example_terms": { "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 280163, "sum_other_doc_count": 1760076441, "buckets": [ { "key": "f9ef245a341bc750b1c11dfe0c031526", "doc_count": 2157644 }, { "key": "8c75d28135b72bc4a6e76f392eb04166", "doc_count": 1021020 }, { "key": "116f77d0319c01d83f85d5bcc65bd2a1", "doc_count": 622093 } ] } } }

Pipeline aggregations

Pipeline aggregations enable nesting multiple aggregations together, feeding the results of one aggregation as the input to another aggregation.

Cumulative sum

buckets path (required)

Path to pipeline aggregation.

format (optional)

Sets the format to use on the output of this aggregation.

{ "aggs": { "example_cumulative_sum_": { "date_histogram": { "interval": "100ms", "field": "_timesinceepoch", "min_doc_count": "0", "extended_bounds": { "min": 1713385504391, "max": 1713385804391 }, "format": "epoch_millis" }, "aggs": { "example_average": { "avg": { "field": "duration" } }, "example_cumulative_sum": { "cumulative_sum": { "buckets_path": "example_average" } } } } } }
{ "aggregations": { "example_cumulative_sum_": { "buckets": [{ "example_average": { "value": 7401858.293426207 }, "example_cumulative_sum": { "value": 7401858.293426207 }, "key": 1713385620000, "doc_count": 55148506 }, { "example_average": { "value": 27927921.094381377 }, "example_cumulative_sum": { "value": 35329779.387807585 }, "key": 1713385680000, "doc_count": 77229532 }, { "example_average": { "value": 5531517.61740416 }, "example_cumulative_sum": { "value": 40861297.00521175 }, "key": 1713385740000, "doc_count": 80424458 }, { "example_average": { "value": 5895626.263929776 }, "example_cumulative_sum": { "value": 46756923.269141525 }, "key": 1713385800000, "doc_count": 79971212 }, { "example_average": { "value": 2972519.9794683917 }, "example_cumulative_sum": { "value": 49729443.248609915 }, "key": 1713385860000, "doc_count": 69229353 }, { "example_average": { "value": 162020.54769622226 }, "example_cumulative_sum": { "value": 49891463.79630614 }, "key": 1713385920000, "doc_count": 9787475 } ] } } }


buckets path (required)

Path to pipeline aggregation.

unit (optional)

Sets the unit to use for this aggregation.

{ "aggs": { "example_derivative_": { "date_histogram": { "interval": "100ms", "field": "_timesinceepoch", "min_doc_count": "0", "extended_bounds": { "min": 1713385504391, "max": 1713385804391 }, "format": "epoch_millis" }, "aggs": { "example_average": { "avg": { "field": "duration" } }, "example_derivative": { "derivative": { "buckets_path": "example_average" } } } } } }
{ "aggregations": { "example_derivative_": { "buckets": [ { "example_average": { "value": 5792060.911828078 }, "key": 1713385740000, "doc_count": 43804445 }, { "example_average": { "value": 6079661.857464066 }, "example_derivative": { "value": 287600.94563598745 }, "key": 1713385800000, "doc_count": 80729821 }, { "example_average": { "value": 5897079.15460301 }, "example_derivative": { "value": -182582.70286105573 }, "key": 1713385860000, "doc_count": 79099246 }, { "example_average": { "value": 5782722.0436034165 }, "example_derivative": { "value": -114357.11099959351 }, "key": 1713385920000, "doc_count": 77868435 }, { "example_average": { "value": 3943321.660900215 }, "example_derivative": { "value": -1839400.3827032014 }, "key": 1713385980000, "doc_count": 70314331 }, { "example_average": { "value": 438287.2007225716 }, "example_derivative": { "value": -3505034.4601776437 }, "key": 1713386040000, "doc_count": 19067226 } ] } } }

Moving average

buckets path (required)

Path to pipeline aggregation.

model (required)

Sets a model for the moving average. The model is used to define what type of moving average you want to use on the series, and is one of simple, linear, ewma, holt, or holt_winters.


Calculate a simple unweighted (arithmetic) moving average.


Calculate a linearly weighted moving average, such that older values are linearly less important. "Time" is determined by position in collection.


Calculate a exponentially weighted moving average.


Calculate a doubly exponential weighted moving average.


Calculate a triple exponential weighted moving average.

window (optional)

Sets the window size for the moving average. This window will "slide" across the series, and the values inside that window will be used to calculate the moving avg value.

predict (optional)

Sets the number of predictions that should be returned. Each prediction will be spaced at the intervals specified in the histogram. E. g "predict: 2" will return two new buckets at the end of the histogram with the predicted values.

{ "aggs": { "example_moving_avg_": { "date_histogram": { "interval": "100ms", "field": "_timesinceepoch", "min_doc_count": "0", "extended_bounds": { "min": 1713385504391, "max": 1713385804391 }, "format": "epoch_millis" }, "aggs": { "example_average": { "avg": { "field": "duration" } }, "example_moving_avg": { "moving_avg": { "buckets_path": "example_average", "model": "simple", "window": 1, "predict": 1 } } } } } }
{ "aggregations": { "example_moving_function_": { "buckets": [{ "example_average": { "value": 6561779.138131231 }, "key": 1713385440000, "doc_count": 33714165 }, { "example_average": { "value": 6485698.418706569 }, "example_moving_avg": { "value": 6561779.138131231 }, "key": 1713385500000, "doc_count": 78041366 }, { "example_average": { "value": 9782059.847589057 }, "example_moving_avg": { "value": 6485698.418706569 }, "key": 1713385560000, "doc_count": 78410185 }, { "example_average": { "value": 7474590.152600041 }, "example_moving_avg": { "value": 9782059.847589057 }, "key": 1713385620000, "doc_count": 78214305 }, { "example_average": { "value": 28057218.56774117 }, "example_moving_avg": { "value": 7474590.152600041 }, "key": 1713385680000, "doc_count": 78133058 }, { "example_average": { "value": 5965070.914908828 }, "example_moving_avg": { "value": 28057218.56774117 }, "key": 1713385740000, "doc_count": 81542251 } ] } } }

Moving function

buckets path (required)

Path to pipeline aggregation

window (required)

Window size for this aggregation

script (required)

Sets the Painless script to use for this aggregation.

shift (optional)

Sets the window shift to use for this aggregation.

{ "aggs": { "example_moving_function_": { "date_histogram": { "interval": "100ms", "field": "_timesinceepoch", "min_doc_count": "0", "extended_bounds": { "min": 1713385504391, "max": 1713385804391 }, "format": "epoch_millis" }, "aggs": { "example_average": { "avg": { "field": "duration" } }, "example_moving_function": { "moving_fn": { "buckets_path": "1", "window": "1", "script": "MovingFunctions.min(values)" } } } } } }
{ "aggregations": { "example_moving_function_": { "buckets": [{ "example_average": { "value": 44292399.56775201 }, "example_moving_function": { "value": null }, "key": 1713385680000, "doc_count": 45119587 }, { "example_average": { "value": 6174371.77869405 }, "example_moving_function": { "value": 44292399.56775201 }, "key": 1713385740000, "doc_count": 81840356 }, { "example_average": { "value": 6771376.920665294 }, "example_moving_function": { "value": 6174371.77869405 }, "key": 1713385800000, "doc_count": 81786893 }, { "example_average": { "value": 6394727.146436909 }, "example_moving_function": { "value": 6771376.920665294 }, "key": 1713385860000, "doc_count": 80362159 } ] } } }
Last modified: 03 September 2024