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User-defined field schemas defined in the preprocessor component.


The preprocessor component reads the bulk API request and if a schema field is defined respects the field definition. If not defined the preprocessor will use the default heuristics to associate a field with a data type.

To configure the schema file define the preprocessorConfig.schemaFile and set the value to the path of the schema file. The file should be in JSON or YAML format.

Schema Field Types

The schema.proto file is the best place to see the supported field types and related configuration options.

Here's the current list of fields that can be defined in the schema file:


A text field that is not tokenized. It is used for searching as a whole and supports exact matches


A text field that is tokenized. It is used for searching and supports partial matches


An IP address field. Supports IPv4 and IPv6 and range searches along with CIDR notation.


A date field. Supports date range searches. We plan to support format in the future. Currently we expect the value to be a long that represents the number of milliseconds since epoch.


A boolean field. We use Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString()) to convert the value to a boolean.


Numeric field that supports double values.


Numeric field that supports float values.


Numeric field that supports half float values. HalfFloat is a 16-bit floating point number.


Numeric field that supports integer values.


Numeric field that supports long values.


Numeric field that supports long values. The value is multiplied by the scaling factor before indexing. WIP: scaling_factor is not supported yet.


Numeric field that supports short values.


Numeric field that supports byte values.


Binary field.

Field Configuration Options


This is used for the KEYWORD field. If the length of the value is greater than ignore_above then the value is not indexed.

Known limitations

  • The date field format option is not currently supported

  • The scaled long scaling_factor option is not currently supported


fields: host: type: KEYWORD message: type: TEXT fields: keyword: type: KEYWORD ignore_above: 256 ip: type: IP
Last modified: 03 September 2024