Config file reference
This is a reference of all available options that can be set in an Astra config file, and recommended values.
Defines the mode to operate a node in. Astra ships as a single binary to simplify deployments, and this configuration is used to select which operating mode to run in.
A query node provides http API for querying cluster and aggregates results from indexers and cache nodes.
An indexer node reads from Kafka to create a Lucene index on disk, which is then uploaded to S3.
A cache node receives chunk assignments from the manager node, which are downloaded from S3.
The manager node is responsible for cluster orchestration,
A recovery node indexes data that is skipped by an indexer, publishing snapshots.
A preprocessor node serves a bulk ingest HTTP api, which is then transformed, rate limited, and sent to Kafka.
Configuration options for the indexer node.
Maximum number of messages that are created per chunk before closing and uploading to S3. This should be roughly equivalent to the maxBytesPerChunk
, such that a rollover is triggered at roughly the same time regardless of messages or bytes.
Maximum bytes that are created per chunk before closing and uploading to S3. This should be roughly equivalent to the maxMessagesPerChunk
, such that a rollover is triggered at roughly the same time regardless of messages or bytes.
Maximum time that a chunk can be open before closing and uploading to S3. Defaults to 90 minutes. This configuration is useful for ensuring that chunks are uploaded to S3 within a set time frame, during non-peak hours when we don't hit maxMessagesPerChunk or maxBytesPerChunk for several hours
- commitDurationSecs
How often Lucene commits to disk. This value will impact the accuracy of calculating the chunk size on disk for rollovers, so should be set conservatively to keep chunk sizes consistent.
- refreshDurationSecs
How often Lucene refreshes the index, or makes results visible to search.
- enableFullTextSearch
Indexes the contents of each message to the
field, which is set as the default query field if not specified by the user. Enables queries such asvalue
instead of specifying the field name explicitly,field:value
How long a stale chunk, or a chunk no longer being written to, can remain on an indexer before being deleted. If the indexerConfig.maxChunksOnDisk limit is reached prior to this value the chunk will be removed.
Path of data directory to use. Generally recommended to be instance storage backed by NVMe disks, or a memory mapped storage like tmpfs for best performance.
Maximum amount of messages that the indexer can lag behind on startup before creating an async recovery tasks. If the current message lag exceeds this the indexer will immediately start indexing at the current time, and create a task to be indexed by a recover node from the last persisted offset to where the indexer started from.
Timeout for searching an individual chunk. Should be set to some value below the serverConfig.requestTimeoutMs
to ensure that post-processing can occur before reaching the overall request timeout.
Defines where to read from Kafka when initializing a new cluster.
Use the oldest Kafka offset when initializing cluster to include all messages currently on Kafka.
Use the latest Kafka offset when initializing cluster, will start indexing new messages from the cluster initialization time onwards. See indexerConfig.createRecoveryTasksOnStart for an additional config parameter related to using
Defines if recovery tasks should be created when initializing a new cluster.
How many stale chunks, or chunks no longer being written to, can remain on an indexer before being deleted. If the indexerConfig.staleDurationSecs limit is reached prior to this value the chunk will be removed.
- serverPort
Port used for application HTTP traffic.
- serverAddress
Address at which this instance is accessible by other Astra components. Used for inter-node communication and is registered to Zookeeper.
- requestTimeoutMs
Request timeout for all HTTP traffic after which the request is cancelled.
- kafkaTopic
Kafka topic to consume messages from
- kafkaBootStrapServers
Address of the kafka server, or servers comma separated.
- additionalProps
String value of JSON encoded properties to set on Kafka consumer. Any valid Kafka property can be used. Conflent Kafka Producer Configuration Reference
S3 configuration options common to indexer, recovery, cache, and manager nodes.
- s3AccessKey
AWS access key. If both access key and secret key are empty will use the AWS default credentials provider.
- s3SecretKey
AWS secret key. If both access key and secret key are empty will use the AWS default credentials provider.
- s3Region
AWS region, ie
- s3EndPoint
S3 endpoint to use. If this setting is null or empty will not attempt to override the endpoint and will use the default provided by the AWS client.
- s3Bucket
AWS S3 bucket name
- s3TargetThroughputGbps
Throughput target in gigabits per second. This configuration controls how many concurrent connections will be established in the AWS CRT client. Recommended to be set to match the maximum bandwidth of the underlying host.
Fully path to the Zipkin POST spans endpoint. Will be submitted as a JSON array of span data.
Optional common tags to annotate on all submitted Zipkin traces. Can be overwritten by spans at runtime, if keys collide.
Rate at which to sample astra's traces. A value of 1.0
will send all traces, 0.01
will send 1% of traces, etc.
Configuration options for the query node.
- serverPort
Port used for application HTTP traffic.
- serverAddress
Address at which this instance is accessible by other Astra components. Used for inter-node communication and is registered to Zookeeper.
- requestTimeoutMs
Request timeout for all HTTP traffic after which the request is cancelled.
Query timeout for individual indexer and cache nodes when performing a query. This value should be set lower than the queryConfig.serverConfig.requestTimeoutMs and equal-to or greater-than the indexerConfig.serverConfig.requestTimeoutMs and cacheConfig.serverConfig.requestTimeoutMs.
Host address for manager node, used for on-demand recovery requests.
- zkConnectString
Zookeeper connection string - list of servers to connect to or a common service discovery endpoint (ie, consul endpoint).
- zkPathPrefix
Common prefix to use for Astra data. Useful when using a common Zookeeper installation.
- zkSessionTimeoutMs
Zookeeper session timeout in milliseconds.
- zkConnectionTimeoutMs
Zookeeper connection timeout in milliseconds.
- sleepBetweenRetriesMs
How long to wait between retries when attempting to reconnect a Zookeeper session. Will retry up to the `zkSessionTimeoutMs`.
Configuration options for the cache node.
Defines how many cache slots are registered per cache node. This should be set so that the slotsPerInstance
multiplied by the indexerConfig.maxBytesPerChunk
is less than the total available space at the cacheConfig.dataDirectory path, plus a small buffer.
Unique identifier for this deployment of cache nodes. This setting, in combination with managerConfig.replicaCreationServiceConfig.replicaSets, managerConfig.replicaAssignmentServiceConfig.replicaSets and managerConfig.replicaRestoreServiceConfig.replicaSets allow running multiple deployments of cache nodes in a high availability deployment.
Path of data directory to use. Generally recommended to be instance storage backed by NVMe disks, or a memory mapped storage like tmpfs for best performance.
Timeout for searching an individual chunk. Should be set to some value below the serverConfig.requestTimeoutMs
to ensure that post-processing can occur before reaching the overall request timeout.
- serverPort
Port used for application HTTP traffic.
- serverAddress
Address at which this instance is accessible by other Astra components. Used for inter-node communication and is registered to Zookeeper.
- requestTimeoutMs
Request timeout for all HTTP traffic after which the request is cancelled.
Configuration options for the manager node.
Configures how long change events are batched before triggering an event executor. This helps improve performance in clusters with a large amounts of change events (chunk rollovers, pod turnover).
How long after manager startup before scheduled services should start executing.
- serverPort
Port used for application HTTP traffic.
- serverAddress
Address at which this instance is accessible by other Astra components. Used for inter-node communication and is registered to Zookeeper.
- requestTimeoutMs
Request timeout for all HTTP traffic after which the request is cancelled.
Configuration options controlling replica creation after a chunk is uploaded from an indexer.
- schedulePeriodMins
How frequently this task is scheduled to execute. If the time to complete the scheduled task exceeds the period, the previous invocation will be cancelled and restarted at the scheduled time.
- replicaLifespanMins
How long a replica associated with a chunk will exist before expiring.
- replicaSets
Array of cache replica set identifiers (cacheConfig.replicaSet) for this task to operate on.
Configuration options controlling replica assignments to available cache nodes.
- schedulePeriodMins
How frequently this task is scheduled to execute. If the time to complete the scheduled task exceeds the period, the previous invocation will be cancelled and restarted at the scheduled time.
- replicaSets
Array of cache replica set identifiers (cacheConfig.replicaSet) for this task to operate on.
- maxConcurrentPerNode
Controls how many assignment will concurrently execute. Setting this to a low value allows replicas to become available quicker as they do not compete for download bandwidth, and allows newly created replicas of higher priority to be downloaded before a long list of lower priority replicas.
Configuration options controlling replica evictions from cache nodes due to expiration.
- schedulePeriodMins
How frequently this task is scheduled to execute. If the time to complete the scheduled task exceeds the period, the previous invocation will be cancelled and restarted at the scheduled time.
Configuration options controlling replica deletion once expired.
- schedulePeriodMins
How frequently this task is scheduled to execute. If the time to complete the scheduled task exceeds the period, the previous invocation will be cancelled and restarted at the scheduled time.
Configuration options controlling recovery tasks assignments to recovery nodes.
- schedulePeriodMins
How frequently this task is scheduled to execute. If the time to complete the scheduled task exceeds the period, the previous invocation will be cancelled and restarted at the scheduled time.
Configuration options controlling snapshot deletion once expired.
- schedulePeriodMins
How frequently this task is scheduled to execute. If the time to complete the scheduled task exceeds the period, the previous invocation will be cancelled and restarted at the scheduled time.
- snapshotLifespanMins
Configures how long a snapshot can exist before being deleted from S3. This must be set to a value larger than the managerConfig.replicaCreationServiceConfig.replicaLifespanMins. When this is larger than the
it enables restoring replicas from cold storage (see managerConfig.replicaRestoreServiceConfig).
Configurations controlling on-demand restores for snapshots that exist that do not have corresponding replicas.
- schedulePeriodMins
How frequently this task is scheduled to execute. If the time to complete the scheduled task exceeds the period, the previous invocation will be cancelled and restarted at the scheduled time.
- maxReplicasPerRequest
Maximum allowable replicas to be restored in a single request. When a request exceeds this value, and error will be returned to the user.
- replicaLifespanMins
How long the restored replica will exist before expiring.
See indexerConfig.replicaCreationServiceConfig.replicaLifespanMins
- replicaSets
Array of cache replica set identifiers (cacheConfig.replicaSet) for this task to operate on.
Cluster configuration options common to all node type.
- clusterName
Unique name assigned to this cluster. Should be identical for all node types in the cluster, and is used for metrics instrumentation.
- env
Environment string for this cluster. Should be identical for all node types deployed to a single environment, and is used for metrics instrumentation.
Configuration options for the recovery indexer node.
- serverPort
Port used for application HTTP traffic.
- serverAddress
Address at which this instance is accessible by other Astra components. Used for inter-node communication and is registered to Zookeeper.
- requestTimeoutMs
Request timeout for all HTTP traffic after which the request is cancelled.
- kafkaTopic
Kafka topic to consume messages from
- kafkaBootStrapServers
Address of the kafka server, or servers comma separated.
- additionalProps
String value of JSON encoded properties to set on Kafka consumer. Any valid Kafka property can be used. Conflent Kafka Producer Configuration Reference
Configuration options for the preprocessor node.
- kafkaTopic
Kafka topic to produce messages to
- kafkaBootStrapServers
Address of the kafka server, or servers comma separated.
- additionalProps
String value of JSON encoded properties to set on Kafka producer. Any valid Kafka property can be used. Conflent Kafka Producer Configuration Reference
For valid formatting options refer to Schema documentation.
- serverPort
Port used for application HTTP traffic.
- serverAddress
Address at which this instance is accessible by other Astra components. Used for inter-node communication and is registered to Zookeeper.
- requestTimeoutMs
Request timeout for all HTTP traffic after which the request is cancelled.
Indicates how many instances of the preprocessor are currently deployed. Used for scaling rate limiters such that each preprocessor instance will allow the total rate limit / preprocessor instance count
through before applying.
Defines how many seconds rate limiting unused permits can be accumulated before no longer increasing.
Error code to return when the rate limit of the preprocessor is exceeded. If using OpenSearch Data Prepper a return code of 400
or 404
would mark the request as unable to be retried and sent to the dead letter queue.