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SGP offers a DSL extension for configuring project behavior via the plugin. The idea is that developers don’t really want to think about specific dependency wirings, and instead want to express what features they want and allow SGP to automatically wire these up for them.

Some examples of this include Dagger, Moshi code gen, Robolectric, and more.

The primary entry point is the slack extension in the build file, which is backed by the SlackExtension interface.

foundry {
    features {
    android {
        features {



The Circuit feature automatically sets up Circuit in the project. This includes controls for different Circuit artifacts and code gen. The default circuit() call will just enable Circuit’s runtime + code gen.


The Dagger feature automatically sets up both Dagger and Anvil. This includes optional parameters to control whether or not you want the runtime only, component merging, or other features. This automatically handles applying the Anvil, kapt, or KSP plugins under the hood and any necessary dependencies to run them.

The default dagger() call will just enable Dagger’s runtime + Anvil’s factory generation with no component merging ( to avoid the Kapt cost).


The Moshi feature handles setting up both Moshi and MoshiX. This includes handling applying code gen logic (either KSP or IR) as well as moshi-sealed support if requested.


This enables the redacted-compiler-plugin compiler plugin.


The Compose feature handles setting up Compose in both Android and multiplatform projects. This handles a bunch of boilerplate (see ComposeUtil.kt) for applying the right compose-compiler artifact version as well as enabling the right controls in the Android plugin.

Test Fixtures

This enables Gradle test fixtures in a project-agnostic fashion. In JVM projects this will apply the java-test-fixtures plugin, in Android projects this will configure the android.testFixtures.enable property.

Android Features


The Robolectric feature handles setting up Robolectric in an Android project. This entails common Robolectric dependencies (including any bundles or core Robolectric project dependencies). This also sets up Robolectric jar downloads (via UpdateRobolectricJarsTask) for test tasks and enabling resource merging in tests (which Robolectric requires). There are a few other controls that StandardProjectConfigurations use to control or patch Robolectric’s behavior.

Android Test

By default, SGP disables androidTests in projects. These can be enabled via the androidTest() feature, which will enable the relevant controls in the Android plugin. This can also accept specified variants to enable/disable.

This is important for opting in tests to AndroidTest APK Aggregation.


By default, we disable Android resources (different from Java resources) and libraries have to opt-in to using them.

This can be enabled via the resources() feature, which will enable the relevant BuildFeature in the Android plugin and also takes a required prefix parameter that is used as the required resourcePrefix for that library’s resources to avoid naming conflicts.

Android Application Features

Permission AllowList

This enables checking of a permission allowlist. See PermissionChecks for more details.