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Shared Elements

Circuit has an additional artifact for integrating Compose Shared Elements Transitions with Navigation and Overlays. Circuit Shared Elements are designed as a lightweight API to easily access the required SharedTransitionScope and AnimatedVisibilityScope directly in a Composable nested within a Screen.

There are few core APIs for setting up and providing the required SharedTransitionScope in order use shared elements.

  • SharedElementTransitionLayout is the layout that creates and provides a SharedElementTransitionScope
  • SharedElementTransitionScope is a SharedTransitionScope which is required to use the shared element modifiers. The SharedElementTransitionScope also provides access to a AnimatedVisibilityScope.

You can follow along with the tutorial to see how to use these APIs.



Normally SharedElementTransitionLayout should be setup around the root Circuit. It needs to be outside of a ContentWithOverlays or NavigableCircuitContent in order for the Overlay and Navigation AnimatedVisibilityScope to be available.

setContent {
  CircuitCompositionLocals(circuit) {
    SharedElementTransitionLayout {
      ContentWithOverlays { NavigableCircuitContent() }

A PreviewSharedElementTransitionLayout is provided for use when using @Preview for any Composable that has a SharedElementTransitionScope.

private fun PreviewShowAnimalPortrait() {
  PreviewSharedElementTransitionLayout {
    StarTheme { PetDetail(state = AnimalSuccessState, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) }


SharedElementTransitionScope extends SharedTransitionScope which is required to use the core shared elements API. The scope can be accessed using the SharedElementTransitionScope Composable wherever the SharedTransitionScope is needed, without having to explicitly pass it to a calling Composable.

Screen UI

@CircuitInject(screen = HomeScreen::class)
fun HomeContent(state: HomeScreen.State, modifier: Modifier = Modifier) = 
  SharedElementTransitionScope {
    // Content here

Normal UI

private fun GridItem(animal: PetListAnimal, modifier: Modifier = Modifier) = 
  SharedElementTransitionScope {
    // Content here

Shared elements also need an AnimatedVisibilityScope in order to animate the shared Composable. Without having to explicitly pass the AnimatedVisibilityScope to the Composable, SharedElementTransitionScope has methods to access a AnimatedVisibilityScope via an AnimatedScope key. This can be done with requireAnimatedScope to require the AnimatedVisibilityScope or with findAnimatedScope for an optional AnimatedVisibilityScope.

  modifier =
      state = rememberSharedContentState(key = ImageElementKey(id)),
      animatedVisibilityScope = requireAnimatedScope(Navigation),
  modifier =
    Modifier.thenIfNotNull(findAnimatedScope(Overlay)) { animatedScope ->
        state = rememberSharedContentState(key = ImageElementKey(id)),
        animatedVisibilityScope = animatedScope,


By default Circuit provides a Navigation and Overlay AnimatedVisibilityScope when a SharedElementTransitionScope is available and either NavigableCircuitContent or ContentWithOverlays has been used.

An AnimatedScope can be provided using ProvideAnimatedTransitionScope, including custom scopes. Doing so will make the AnimatedVisibilityScope available to the SharedElementTransitionScope inside the ProvideAnimatedTransitionScope.

AnimatedContent(modifier = modifier, transitionSpec = transitionSpec()) { targetState ->
  ProvideAnimatedTransitionScope(Navigation, this) {
    AnimatedNavContent(targetState) { content(it) }

In Circuit the Navigation AnimatedScope is setup using a ProvideAnimatedTransitionScope. This is done with an implementation of NavDecoration, AnimatedNavDecoration. It takes an AnimatedNavDecorator to customize the Screen animation without having to manually setup a AnimatedContent and SharedElementTransitionScope. An example of a custom AnimatedNavDecorator can be seen with the AndroidPredictiveBackNavigationDecoration in circuitx-gesture-navigation.

Non-Circuit usage

Circuit Shared Elements should be usable without any other Circuit artifact. The setup of SharedElementTransitionLayout is the same outside the root content, but a non-Circuit setup would require explicit use of ProvideAnimatedTransitionScope to provide the desired AnimatedVisibilityScope.