Package-level declarations
Circuit adapts presenter factories to their corresponding ui factories using screens. Create instances using the Builder and create new CircuitContent with it to run presenter/UI pairings.
A listener for tracking the state changes of a given Screen. This can be used for instrumentation and other telemetry.
A sealed navigation interface intended to be used when making a navigation callback.
Default values and common alternatives used by navigable composables.
By default CircuitContent will wrap presenters so that the last emitted CircuitUiState is replayed when the presenter is paused. If this behavior is not wanted, the Presenter should implement this interface to disable the behavior.
Represents the lifecycle of a navigation record in a NavigableCircuitContent. Will typically be stored in the LocalRecordLifecycle composition local, allowing presenters and UIs to observe whether the navigation record is active.
The Circuit used in this context.
CompositionLocal with a current Circuit instance.
Holds the current lifecycle for a record in a NavigableCircuitContent.
Returns whether or not answering navigation is available. This is essentially a proxy for whether or not this composition is running within a NavigableCircuitContent.
Provides the given circuit as a CompositionLocal to all composables within content. Also adds any other composition locals that Circuit needs.
Wraps a composable state producer, which will replay the last emitted state instance when isActive is false
Presents the UI state when the lifecycle is resumed, otherwise will replay the last emitted UI state.
A reified version of rememberAnsweringNavigator. See documented overloads of this function for more information.
Returns a GoToNavigator that answers with the given resultType using the given backStack.
Returns a GoToNavigator that answers with the given resultType or defaults to fallbackNavigator if no back stack is available to pass results through.
Returns a new Navigator for navigating within CircuitContents. Delegates onRootPop to the LocalOnBackPressedDispatcherOwner.
Creates and remembers a new Navigator for navigating within CircuitContents.
Remembers a new EventListener instance for the given screen and context.
Remembers a new Presenter instance for the given screen, navigator, context, and eventListener.
Remembers a new Ui instance for the given screen, context, and eventListener.