Astra Help


Strategies for migrating from OpenSearch or ElasticSearch to Astra.

Compatibility modes


The Astra ingest API is largely compatible as an ElasticSearch output from Logstash. Logstash requires several endpoints to be available in order to successfully produce messages, including the bulk ingest endpoint (/_bulk), the cluster metadata endpoint (/), and a license discovery endpoint (/_license).

While Astra does provide a bulk ingest and cluster metadata endpoint that are compatible with Logstash, a license discovery endpoint is not included. Similar functionality to this endpoint may be achieved using a proxy like Envoy with a generic proxy filter or a direct response filter.

output { elasticsearch { hosts => [""] id => "example-astra-cluster" index => "example-astra-index" data_stream => "false" ilm_enabled => "false" manage_template => "false" compression_level => 0 } }
hosts (required)

The endpoint(s) to your Astra cluster.

data_stream (required)

Astra compatibility mode does not support the data_stream configuration, and must be set to false.

compression_level (required)

Astra compatibility mode does not support the compression_level configuration, and must be set to 0.

id (recommended)

Unique ID for this plugin instance.

index (optional)

The index to write to in Astra.

ilm_enabled (ignored)

Astra compatibility mode does not support the ilm_enabled configuration, and this setting is ignored.

manage_template (ignored)

Astra compatibility mode does not support the manage_template configuration, and this setting is ignored.

Grafana ElasticSearch

When using Grafana, you can point an existing ElasticSearch datasource to an Astra install to run in a limited compatibility mode. Not all aggregations listed in the Grafana UI will be supported when running in this mode.

ElasticSearch compatibility mode
Last modified: 03 September 2024